



1. come 来 — go 去

2. start 开始 — stop 停止

3. laugh 笑 — cry 哭

4. hate 憎恨 — appreciate, tolerate 欣赏,容忍

5. forget 忘记 — remember 记得

6. take 拿走 — give 给予

7. bring 带来 — take 带走

8. lend 借出 — borrow 借到

9. purchase 购买 — sell 出售

10. grasp 抓住 — release 释放

11. pull 拉 — push 推

12. teach 教 — learn 学习

13. acknowledge 肯定 — evaluate 评估

14. incentive 激励 — penalty 处罚

15. receive 接收 — decline 拒绝

16. conserve 省资源 — squander 浪费

17. ask 询问 — answer 回答

18. fill 倒满 — empty 倒空

19. start 开始 — pause 暂停

20. rest 休息 — rise 起床

21. live 活着 — die 死去

22. solidify 凝固 — liquefy 液化

23. break 打破 — mend, repair 修理

When something breaks, it means that it has been damaged or fractured, often resulting in it no longer functioning properly. However, instead of focusing on the negative aspect of breaking, we can shift our attention to the positive action of mending or repairing.

Mending or repairing is the process of fixing something that is broken or damaged. It involves restoring the item to its original state or making it functional again. Whether it's a broken object, a damaged relationship, or a shattered dream, the act of mending or repairing allows us to bring things back together and restore their value and purpose.

Mending or repairing requires patience, skill, and sometimes even creativity. It involves identifying the problem, finding the necessary tools or resources, and applying the appropriate techniques to fix the issue. It may involve using glue, stitches, or other materials to physically mend an object, or it may require open communication, compromise, and forgiveness to mend a relationship.

The act of mending or repairing not only restores the physical or functional aspect of something, but it also symbolizes resilience, perseverance, and the belief that things can be made whole again. It teaches us the importance of taking responsibility for our actions, acknowledging our mistakes, and actively working towards making amends.

So, instead of dwelling on the negative connotations of breaking, let us embrace the opportunity to mend and repair. Let us see it as a chance to learn, grow, and restore what has been damaged. By doing so, we can transform the act of breaking into an act of healing and renewal.

24. commence, initiate 开始 — conclude, complete 结束

25. 出发 — 到达






26. depart 出发 — arrive 到达

27. stay 停留 — leave 离开

28. increase 增加, 增长 — decrease 减少, 减小

29. rise (日、月等) 升起 — set (日、月等) 落山

29. ascend (日、月等) 升起 — descend (日、月等) 落下

30. elevate 提升, 提高, 抬高 — reduce 减少, 降低, 缩减

31. pass 通过, 及格 — fail 未通过, 不及格

32. fail, lose 输 — win 赢

33. lose 失去 — win 赢得

34. lose 失去 — acquire 获得

35. find 找到 — lose 丢失

36. miss 未抓住, 未赶上 — catch 抓住, 赶上

36. 漏掉了 — 抓住了

37. miss 未击中 — hit 击中




38. accelerate – decelerate

39. 穿上,戴上 — 脱下


– 我今天要穿上一件漂亮的礼服去参加晚宴。
– 她喜欢戴上一顶花朵装饰的帽子。
– 天气太热了,我得脱下外套。

所以,当你想要穿上或戴上某物时,你可以使用"take on"或"put on";而当你想要脱下某物时,你可以使用"take off"。

40. 上升 (温度、价格等) 增加 — 下降 (温度、价格等) 减少



1. commencement, initiation 起始, 开始 — conclusion 终点, 结束

2. commencement 起始, 开始 — conclusion 结论, 结束

3. achievement 成就 — setback 挫折

4. champion 冠军 — runner-up 亚军

5. truth 真相 — lie 谎言

6. inquiry 询问 — response 回答

7. life, birth 生命,出生 — death 死亡





8. day 白天 — night 夜晚

9. joy 快乐 — suffering 痛苦

10. risk 风险 — security 安全

11. exit 出口 — entrance 入口

12. weekday 工作日— weekend 周末

13. city 城市 — countryside 乡村

14. harmony 和谐 — conflict 冲突

15. customer 客户 — vendor 供应商

16. benefit 好处, 利益 — drawback 弊端, 缺点

17. entirety 全部, 整体 — portion 部分

18. left 左 — right 右

19. front 前面, 前部 — back 后面, 背部

20. summit 山顶 — base 底部



1. from 从 — to 到

2. now 现在 — then 当时

3. with 有 — without 没有

4. either 任一一个 — none 一个也没有

5. all 全部 — none 全无

6. everybody 每个人 — nobody 无一人

7. nothing 什么也没有 — everything 一切

In a world where nothing exists, everything comes into being. The absence of something creates the space for everything to fill. It is in the void of nothingness that the potential for everything is born. Just as darkness allows us to appreciate the beauty of light, nothingness allows us to appreciate the abundance of everything. Embrace the emptiness, for it is the canvas upon which the colors of everything are painted.

8. always 总是 — sometimes 有时


9. once 曾经 — never 从未

10. perhaps, maybe 或许, 大概 — definitely 肯定地

11. inside – outside

12. 在室内 — 在室外

13. above 在…上 — below 在…下

14. 在…上方的是 above — 在…下方的是 below

15. upstairs 在楼上 — downstairs 在楼下

upstairs 指的是在建筑物的上方或上层,通常是指楼上的房间或空间。它可以用来描述一个人或物体的位置或方向

downstairs 指的是在建筑物的下方或下层,通常是指楼下的房间或空间。它也可以用来描述一个人或物体的位置或方向。


总之,upstairs 和 downstairs 是用来描述建筑物内不同楼层的词汇,它们可以帮助我们准确地指示位置或方向。

16. in front 在前方, 向前 — behind 在后方, 向后

17. forward 向前 — back, backward 向后

在日常生活中,我们经常会用到表示方向的词汇。其中,"forward" 是指向前的方向,而它的反义词是 "back" 或者 "backward",表示向后的方向。

无论是在步行、驾车还是其他活动中,我们都会用到这些词汇来描述我们的移动方向。例如,当我们走路时,我们可以说 "I am moving forward"(我正在向前走),而当我们想要回到原来的位置时,我们可以说 "I am moving back" 或者 "I am moving backward"(我正在向后走)。

除了描述人的移动方向外,这些词汇还可以用来描述其他物体的移动方向。例如,当我们开车时,我们可以说 "The car is moving forward"(汽车正在向前行驶),而当我们需要倒车时,我们可以说 "The car is moving back" 或者 "The car is moving backward"(汽车正在倒车)。

总之,"forward" 表示向前的方向,而它的反义词是 "back" 或者 "backward",表示向后的方向。无论是在描述人的移动还是其他物体的移动时,这些词汇都可以帮助我们准确地表达方向。

18. here 在这里 — there 在那边

19. alone 单独地 — together 一起地

20. excellently 优秀地 — well 很好地



1. initially 首先 — eventually 最后

2. at / in the beginning 开始 — in the end 最后

In the beginning, everything seemed so promising. The possibilities were endless, and hope filled the air. However, as time went on, reality set in and the challenges became apparent. In the end, it was clear that the initial excitement was just a fleeting moment. The journey was long and arduous, but the lessons learned along the way were invaluable.

3. during the day 在白天 — during the night 在夜晚

4. in public 当众 — in private 私下



5. unintentionally, inadvertently – intentionally

6. be good at 擅长 — be weak in 不擅长

Being good at something is a valuable skill that many people strive to achieve. However, it is also important to recognize our weaknesses and areas where we may not excel. Being weak in certain areas does not mean that we are incapable or lacking in ability, but rather that we may need to put in more effort or seek assistance to improve.

While being good at something can bring a sense of accomplishment and confidence, being weak in a particular skill or subject can present challenges. It is important to acknowledge these weaknesses and take steps to address them. This may involve seeking additional training or education, practicing regularly, or seeking guidance from others who are more proficient in that area.

By recognizing our weaknesses and actively working to improve them, we can grow both personally and professionally. It is through facing and overcoming our weaknesses that we can become more well-rounded individuals. So, while being good at something is certainly commendable, it is equally important to acknowledge and address our weaknesses in order to continue growing and developing.

7. catch up with 赶上 — fall behind 落后

In today's fast-paced world, it is important to keep up with the latest trends and developments. However, sometimes we may find ourselves falling behind due to various reasons. Falling behind can be a result of not being able to catch up with the ever-changing demands and expectations of society.

To catch up with others means to reach the same level or progress at the same pace as them. It requires effort, determination, and sometimes even a change in mindset. When we catch up with others, we bridge the gap that separates us and regain our position or status.

On the other hand, falling behind implies a failure to keep up with the progress or advancements made by others. It can be a frustrating experience, as we may feel left out or inadequate. Falling behind can happen due to a lack of resources, skills, or motivation. It is important to identify the reasons behind falling behind and take necessary steps to address them.

In conclusion, catching up with others is essential to stay relevant and competitive in today's world. Falling behind can be a setback, but with the right mindset and actions, it is possible to bridge the gap and regain our position.

8. fall asleep 睡着 — wake up 醒来

9. switch on 开启 (水、煤气、电灯等) — switch off 关闭 (水、煤气、电灯等)

10. turn up 增加 (声音等) — turn down 减少;调低 (音量等)

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